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Shivalik Solid Waste Management Limited

Company Profile

Govt. of Himachal Pradesh and HP State Pollution Control Board persuaded B.B.N Industries Association for setting up the “Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility”. The Association formed Special Purpose Vehicle ( Shivalik Solid Waste Management Ltd.) to set up and operate treatment storage and disposal facility (TSDF). United Phosphorous Limited (UPL ) were appointed after a detailed selection process among the reputed companies who had applied for this project. MOU of UPL with BBNIA has been signed with the 51% Equity ratio of UPL and 49% by the Member Industries for setting up the facility.

Areas Added Wherein Shivalik Solid Waste Management Ltd. is providing Services-
1. Treatment Storage & Disposal Facility: Authorized agency for handling of Hazardous Waste found fit for the landfill.
2.Multiple Effect Evaporator: For the treatment of Leachate and RO reject water having high Total dissolved Solids(TDS).
3. Empty Used Drums: Authorized agency from HPSPCB for Handling cleaning & disposal of Hazardous/Non Hazardous chemical drums in Scientific manner.
4. Environmental Monitoring & Laboratory Analytical Services: Shivalik has NABL approved Laboratory and conducting the Environment monitoring like sampling & testing of Ambient Air Water Quality various waste testing(EffluentDrinking Water)Noise Level.Currently providing Environment monitoring services to more than 200 industries.

5. Waste Oil/ Used Oil Paint Sludge: Authorized agency from HPSPCB for Collection Storage Transportation of Used Oil/ Waste Oil & paint sludge and send to the CPCB authorized Recycler/Refiner.
6. E- Waste & CFL: Authorize agency from HPSPCB for Collection Storage and Transportation of E-WasteCFL bulbs & tubes and send to CPCB authorized Recycler.
7. Used Lead Acid Batteries: Authorize agency from HPSPCB for Collection Storage and Transportation of Used Lead Acid Batteries and send to CPCB authorized Recycler.
8. Environment Impact Assessment(EIA): Approved consultant from National Accreditation Board for Education & Training (NABET) Quality Council of India for Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) study for: Mining of Minerals River ValleyHydeldrainage and irrigation Thermal Power Plants Metallurgical industries Pesticides Industry Oil and Gas transportation pipeline Common Hazardous waste treatment storage and disposal facilities Common Effluent Treatment Plants Building and large construction.
9.Environmental Consultancy: Providing consultancy for Design & detailing of STP ETP TSDF CETP Municipal Waste Management Kitchen Waste Management and EIA Study Environment Audit .
10. Environment Statement: We help the industries in preparation & completion of Environment Statement. SSWML will pleasurably offer the services in the various areas & hence urge all the industrial associates to avail the facilities to the maximum extent & join hands in the march towards clean Environment.
11.Energy Audit: Energy Audit is the first step towards energy efficiency.It's an energy performance assessment of all systems/equipments that consume energy and Shivalik Solid Waste Management Ltd. started Energy Audits for all types of industriesHotelsIT Companies etc. This assessment is done through various engineering tests recommended by BEE with the help of state-of-art tools and BEE certified energy Auditors.
12. Waste Water Management Consultancy: Setting up of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) &Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) for scientific treatment of waste water.


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Zirakpur, Punjab

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